Temple University Mitten Hall

Since it’s completion in 1931, Temple University’s iconic Mitten Hall has exemplified the campus’ rich history. Boldly eying the future ahead, Temple challenged D2 to update their landmark facility and meet the demands of their growing student and staff populations, while taking care to honor the unique character built over almost a century.

Comprised of two separate buildings, Mitten Hall is now fused together via a main corridor, consolidating the building’s lower level. Paying homage to decades of Temple Pride, we outfitted the corridor with a branded feature wall that welcomes guests and showcases Temple alumni who have made outstanding contributions to society. This “Gallery of Success” is a mix of past and present, symbolic of the hall itself and designed to inspire future generations of Owls who dare to change the world



  • Teams Architecture, Interior Design

  • Location Philadelphia, PA

  • SF 25,000 SF