Results for `Inside the Studio`

D2 Welcomes Sheena Felece Spearman to the team!

Learn more about Sheena and how she’ll be contributing to the D2 studio.

D2 Promotions!

Congratulations to Mike Kalustov and John Bakaysa, RA for their recent promotions to Project Manager within our Architecture studio!

Advocating for Diversity in Collaboration with Co-Creating Inclusion

Join Lauren Coughlin and Robby Prall on January 20th at 6:00 pm for a panel discussion on DEI!

D2 Welcomes Rori Wade to the team!

Learn more about Rori and how he’ll be contributing to the D2 studio.

D2 Welcomes Andrea Toscana Rodriguez to the team!

Learn more about Andrea and how she’ll be contributing to the D2 studio.

Sidelines: Jaime Hammond

D2 Sidelines! Meet Senior Project Designer, Jaime Hammond, and learn more about her passion for photography.