Results for `Healthcare + Life Sciences`

Fox Chase Cancer Center

Fox Chase Cancer Center In healthcare, space optimization is as critical to patients as it is for staff — particularly in an oncology outpatient center, where treatments span hours. D2 designers collaborated with the Temple University Health team to meld efficiency and comfort throughout a 5,000sf floorplan. Including ten private infusion chair suites and eight...

ABA Centers of Pennsylvania

ABA Centers of Pennsylvania ABA Centers of Pennsylvania, a well-established play therapy-based program, engaged D2 to assist in their Southeastern Pennsylvania market expansion. The focus of the project was to provide a safe, 1:1 outpatient treatment and support space for children ages 4-18, who have behavioral or mental health diagnoses, and their care providers. Large...

Wills Eye Hospital USP800 Pharmacy

Wills Eye Hospital USP800 Pharmacy Clean design in a cleanroom. Balance and collaboration drive the coexistence of both these elements in the Wills Eye Hospital Pharmacy. Observing the demand to implement hazardous drug standards in pharmacy space, Wills Eye turned to D2 to transform their 7th floor pharmacy into a DOH-compliant USP800 facility. Our design...

Wills Eye Hospital Glaucoma Suite

Wills Eye Hospital Glaucoma Suite The 2020 Census revealed a striking fact – 1 in 6 Americans are now aged 65 or over. With this rising wave of seniors comes a mounting demand on our healthcare system – a challenge Wills Eye Hospital is embracing head-on. As Glaucoma is predicted by NIH to surge by...

Sentinel Process Systems

Sentinel Process Systems When Sentinel Process Systems, a premiere distributor and fabricator of specialty pharmaceutical equipment wanted to create an ISO 7 space at their existing facility, they engaged CleanSpace and D2 Groups as their design-build partners.  Working in the center of a continuously operational assembly and warehouse facility, the team worked with an aggressive...

Atlanticare City Pharmacy

Atlanticare City Pharmacy Changing regulations necessitated updates to AtlantiCare’s existing pharmacy. D2 performed an initial study to address flow issues, bioburden concerns, and accommodate future capacity. Collaborating with AtlantiCare’s team, D2 designed a new, USP 800 compliant cleanroom and pharmacy space with flexible growth to serve the campus. Teams Architecture, Engineering Location Atlantic City, NJ...